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The Vampires of New York
Come see the vampires of New York
Come lose your mind in Central Park
But don't leave your soul behind
Come take in 8th street after dark
Such peculiar people you'll remark
You might even see a murder
And all the whores on Blecker Street
They wear the blissful grin
Caused by the drugs they take
To relieve them of their sins
And "oh lord I think she's dying" I head somebody say
I think she's dying
And "oh lord I think she's dying"
Or maybe she's already dead and maybe she's gone to Mars
Maybe we could write her epitaph in the stars
It'd say "If you go away from here..If you go a million miles..."
Come downtown to see them go
Into the den of the vampires of New York
But please watch your step as you're getting off, kids
:: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 ::
I really have been writing. Really. It's just that Honey's being such a loser. So uncooperative. Where's all her famous tact now that there's a new girl on the scene, huh? Anyway, I took advantage of blogger's super cool new templates and used it on this blog, where I have no links. Looks cool, no?
I've also started a new story I'm tentatively calling Wonderful. It takes place during Christmas break of the girl's senior year of high school. It's confusing for me to write, because of all the emotions that seem to jump to the top, and I'm not comfortable enough with some of the characters to do them justice at the moment. So I think I'm going to shelve this project for a later date. Plus, I really need to keep on with HS!
Jason was supposed to be helping me with some technical aspects of this silly story I decided to write long ago, but he's sorta backed out now that he's quit his job and has to go hunting for another. But I think I can wing it, as long as I'm very vague about what exactly Alex gave Leah in the library. Now, for all you perverts out there, I'm not talking about that, nor what was in Alex's pocket. tee hee. oh I'm so bad.
I'm really excited about the plans I have for my universe. In fact, so excited that I simply cannot concentrate on finishing. It's distracting the hell out of me. I should just stop complaining though, and go for it. Because for once, Trixie is being cooperative, Mart's not spouting off big words, and Di has some sense. However, Jim keeps staring at Trixie and losing his mind, and Leah's stuck in "I don't want to be a southern belle. I want to be a redneck!" mode. And she simply can't be a redneck. hehe I guess anyone who's reading this and doesn't write fiction must think I'm nuts. But I'm not--really. Just very into my characters. And it's hard not to be, when you're trying to figure out exactly why they would do something as opposed to something else. I have Kyrie to thank for getting me this into it, although I'm not halfway to where I should be to be a good writer.
Now, before I make myself more of an idiot, I will shush
:: aurie 9:47 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, June 15, 2001 ::
I have found the perfect Jim doll. I am going to ask everyone to get this doll for me for my birthday. NO ITS NOT MADE OF PLASTIC, NOR DOES IT INFLATE. pervs.
It's a GI Joe doll, and I saw him in Wally World. He's a Pearl Harbor special edition, and man oh man does he have a nice bod, for a guy made out of plastic. ok so he's made out of plastic. :P Red hair and everything. Maybe if I go sit in front of his display, it will inspire me to write about him and Leah getting to know each other. or something. *eyebrow wiggle*
:: aurie 2:40 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 ::
I can't make Honey shutup. She just keeps running her mouth off, when I need her to shutup so other stuff can happen. I go through these periods where I write something and I get that warm, fuzzy feeling about it. And then it's like my brain says, "OK! I did my job!" and shuts off. Nothing else good comes out until it decides it wants the warm, fuzzy feeling again. My brain has decided it's done its job, since I was happy over part 4. Not as happy as I was over part 2, though. That's my goal--be as happy over my parts as I was over part 2. hehe
I'm feeling very lazy today, and I can't seem to accomplish the goals I've set. I promised everyone there wouldn't be as long of a wait for the next part, and I need to fulfil that promise. I also have a problem of making the characters do stuff simply because I want them to. That makes them puppet-like, and I don't want that in my stories.
I have a filing-cabinet drawer filled with only Trixie stuff. There's background on my universe, and background on the actual Trixie stories, and a huge folder with ideas for future stories. I've promised myself I wouldn't post anything on the future stories until I finished Hidden but it's getting to be hard. I really love an idea for a story that takes place around Christmas time. It's kinda silly how attached to ideas I get. I'm way too stubborn to be a writer.
I've started editing for DaniDoo, and she quoted I think Mark Tawin. "If you think a line sounds all right, take it out." I guess I should take that advice and apply it to Honey in this next part, cos the less she says for now, the better. I think I'm going to put her on the back burner and let her stew for a bit.
The worst thing is, though, my printer is dead. I had a very messy desk at school at the end of the year, and a pencil or something fell into the paper tray without me knowing it. I went to print something, and it sucked up the pencil and now it can't take any paper and makes this awful grinding noise. I really need to print stuff out, because I'm better at editing with a hard copy, but I don't want to take it to the printer repair guy. I guess I'm just gonna go use Dad's and hope he doesn't ask why I'm using up so much of his paper.. hehe
:: aurie 2:41 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 ::
:: aurie 10:44 PM [+] ::